Whom to contact, Press speaker
Who am I supposed to contact to?
There is very often a question as who the real owner of the water infrastructure is and who the operating company is, and what the difference in their competences is.
Severočeská vodárenská společnost a. s. (SVS a. s.) has been operating on the market for 19 years in the field of construction and management of water infrastructure and owns the water property of 458 towns and villages in the Ústí Region and part of the Liberec Region. In coordination with its shareholders – towns and villages in Northern Bohemia – ensures the development and renewal of water supply infrastructure in concordance with valid legislation.
Operation of its assets was consigned by Severočeská vodárenská společnost to its long-term operational company Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a. s. (SčVK, a. s.) with a long-term contract.
More information about the operator is possible to find on www.scvk.cz.
As a customer – water purchaser I am able to get information from the operator about:
- contract for the supply of water and sewage disposal,
- the financial deposits and consumption billing,
- reporting about meter reading,
- information about failure, shutdown and other operational activities in water supply and sewerage system
Customer service / Emergency line
840 111 111
601 267 267
Press Speaker
We recommend contacting the company´s press speaker, who has in the company of SVS a. s. in charge of the communication with journalists from all the media. The press speaker answers all your inquiries or mediates – according to time disposition - interview with a representative of the management.
We are looking forward to further cooperation with you.